Haresha seen from Dolev
Haresha seen from DolevMordechai Sones

MK Ofir Sofer (Yamina) questioned whether Prime Minister Netanyahu's promise to build a new neighborhood in the town of Dolev in response the the terrorist attack at the Ein Bubin spring will be carried out.

"Does anyone remember what happened to the 300 housing units in Beit El and how many times they were promised? I don't want us to become confused by pre-election promises of securing housing units in Dolev. I am not saying that this cannot happen and I hope it does, but for that you need a government that has someone to pull it to the right," Sofer said in an interview with Arutz Sheva.

According to Sofer the answer to terrorism must first and foremost be military deterrence. ."I think Judea and Samaria and all the territories of the land of Israel should be built up regardless of one attack or another. When it comes to terrorism, I think we have to fight - the solution first and foremost is to fight terrorism. There are still terrorists whose homes are not destroyed and enjoy good conditions in prison, and that I have a problem with."

"It was only published in the last few hours, and I do not know if it is true that they caught the terrorists who attacked that family and killed [the daughter] this weekend. I hope that they really did not catch them yet and that they will be hurt and die during the attempt to arrest them. Giving them good conditions in prison after they are captured does nothing for Israeli deterrence," he said.

"The answer to terrorism must be resolute towards anyone who will harm us or assist terrorism. Settlement should always take place, especially after terror attacks," MK Sofer concluded.