A new weekly parsha e-newsletter has skyrocketed overnight, reaching thousands of readers less than a month and a half after its launch. Titled “Beyond The 4 Amot*,” the email list provides video clips, articles, words of Torah, and Q&A all relating to the Torah approach to life from a national-religious perspective.
Check out a sneak-peek of this week's parsha video!
Bet El Institutions, the organization behind the list, agreed to share a sneak peek of one of this week’s features – [3.5m video] Parshat Balak. The video, titled “Balak: How Will The Redemption Come?” looks into this week’s parsha, and the famous commentator Or HaChaim’s commentary, to answer the following questions: How will we return to our land after 2,000 years? Will it be through miracles or natural means?
The list was created with the special purpose of providing the English-speaking public access to some of the greatest minds and most exciting ideas about the Torah, the Land of Israel, and the Jewish people – materials that have until now only been accessible in Hebrew.
As a special bonus, all subscribers receive a free copy of Chapter 2 of The Art of T’shuva – The Teachings of HaRav Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook: Commentary by Rabbi David Samson and Tzvi Fishman. The book talks about t'shuva ["getting our act together"] and this specific chapter focuses on the Torah's demand that we be physically robust and healthy.
Join the parsha e-newsletter today!
*The name "Beyond The 4 Amot" is taken from a line in the Talmud (Brakhot 8A), which states that, since the destruction of the Temple, The Holy One blessed be He only has in this world "four amot [cubits] of Halakha [Jewish law]."
This means to say that since the destruction of the Hebrew national framework in the Land of Israel, as was signified by the Temple, Jewish law has been limited to personal, private domain – Shabbat, holidays, family purity, prayer, etc. The name "Beyond The 4 Amot" signifies that, along with the Jewish People's return to the Land of Israel and its national sovereignty, Jewish law is also ready to return to its rightful place as the national Hebrew culture and institutional framework.