Foreign intelligence agencies have been trying to access the medical records of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in recent weeks, the German newspaper Bild reported.
The reports are in the wake of two incidents, in which Merkel was seen twice trembling uncontrollably during public ceremonies in the past two weeks.
The Bild claims that the foreign intelligence agencies are trying to gain access to Merkel's medical records in an attempt to reveal what caused the tremors and whether it was a disease or only dehydration, as Merkel claimed.
The first time that Merkel was seen trembling - at a ceremony with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zlanski - the chancellor claimed that she "was dehydrated and after drinking a few cups of water, she felt back to herself." But last week Merkel was trembling again during a ceremony with the German prime minister. The second time, she claimed that "this is a psychological tremor, as a result of the first time I trembled."
However, according to Bild's report, "Merkel has not said a word about the causes of the tremors and whether she is under any kind of treatment. Some intelligence services around the world are convinced that they have an explanation and are trying to get their hands on Merkel's medical records."
Doctors who were interviewed by Bild claimed that "this is a matter that needs to remain private. However, as soon as the chancellor refuses to talk about it, it's seen as a sign of weakness, that she has something to hide."
Merkel also seemed lethargic at the G20 conference at the end of last week, and told reporters that "I'm convinced that the trembling will disappear just like it appeared."