A 40-year-old female resident of the central city of Kfar Saba was arrested on suspicion of abusing the daycare children she works with.
Suspicions arose after a mother of one of the Herzliya daycare's children watched video clips of the daycare center, which is supervised on a regular basis. In the videos, the worker can be seen acting violently towards the children.
Parents then turned to the daycare manager and the police, leading to the worker's arrest and interrogation at the beginning of this week.
The daycare worker has now been confined to house arrest for five days.
In addition, the woman's 41-year-old husband was also arrested and interrogated, on suspicion of publishing content threatening the daycare manager. Following his interrogation, the man was released on condition.
Last June, a female daycare assistant smothered 14-month-old Yasmin Vineta. Videos, taken by a camera staff believed to be broken, showed at least ten other instances in which the daycare's children were subject to violence by staff.