Netanyahu at cabinet meeting
Netanyahu at cabinet meetingHezki Baruch

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened the weekly cabinet meeting this morning with an explanation of his intention to ask the president of the state for an extension to form the government.

"This is not only acceptable, but is also necessary, due to the constraints of the timetable that resulted from the multiplicity of events this time - the intermediate days of Passover, Holocaust Martyrs 'and Heroes' Remembrance Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day and the security events around the Gaza Strip," Netanyahu explained.

"This week we mark the first anniversary of the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem. The official residence of the US ambassador is also moving to Jerusalem, thus effectively implementing the resolution of Congress. We greatly appreciate this historic decision by President Trump, just as we greatly appreciate his historic decision to recognize Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights."

"I promised that we will establish a community named after President Trump. I am notifying you that we have already located a spot on the Golan where this new community will be established, and we have begun the process of establishing it. I will bring the decision for official approval by the new government when it is formed."

"We are facing another event, which is the opening of the Eurovision festivities today in Israel. So first of all I wish all the participants great success, and of course the best will win, and of course it will be Koby Marimi," Netanyahu said, referring to the Israeli contestant.