An 80-year-old pedestrian was killed when he was struck by a bus in Jerusalem Thursday afternoon. The accident occurred at a bus stop on Olei Hagardom Street in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood.
A Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic mounted on an MDA motorcycle reported from the scene that the elderly man was hit by an articulated (multi-section) bus and that he was declared dead at the scene.
The doctor, Dr. Michael Herman, said: "When I arrived, I saw an 80-year-old man trapped under the bus, suffering from severe systemic damage."
"The patient was not breathing and had no pulse. I performed medical tests, but unfortunately he had no signs of life and I had to determine his death instead," added Dr. Hermann.
Police forces arrived at the scene and opened an investigation into the incident. The driver of the bus was detained for questioning.