On February 7-10, 110HUB will be hosting the Startup Nation meets Europe Conference in Vienna. 110Hub is a platform inviting Israeli and European Jewish professionals to acquire knowledge and skills in realms of innovation and technology, forge partnerships, collaborate in new startups, and advance their careers.
Events and weekends sponsored by 110HUB offer intensive professional development as well as career networking opportunities where participants acquire critical knowledge in technology and improve business and marketing skills
Co-founder Tova Starik: “Living in Vienna, I receive inquiries from Israelis seeking to penetrate the international market and Europeans interested in growing their businesses by collaborating with Israeli counterparts. This inspired the Startup Nation Meets Europe Conference, where Israelis and Europeans can network and take innovation to new heights!”
Hillel Fuld, Israel’s top marketer, strategic advisor and hi-tech journalist, will be attending as keynote lecturer. “I strongly advocate the powerful impact of technology in business. At the upcoming Conference, I plan to outline the inner workings of Israel’s hi-tech industry, offering the audience exciting tools and connecting them to the right people and places. This Conference is both excellent public relations for Israel and a tremendous contribution to Europe’s economy,” says Fuld.
Other speakers include Benjamin Ruschin, co-founder of WeAreDevelopers, a startup connecting developers with corporations that also hosts the world’s largest annual developers’ congress; and Jay Zilbershatz, CEO at Secret Vienna and Zilbershatz Consulting, who will address the topic “Tools for Building a Business from Scratch.
Conference coordinator Keren Szeles: “We’ve recruited a distinguished lineup of CEOs and field experts to share fascinating perspectives on innovation and creativity and spread the message of how to succeed in the professional world today.”