Tzipi Livni after Gabbay's announcement
Tzipi Livni after Gabbay's announcementYonatan Sindel/Flash90

Tzipi Livni promise supporters a “revolution” in this April’s legislative election, after Labor chief Avi Gabbay’s stunning announcement Tuesday morning that he was dissolving his party’s partnership with Livni’s Hatnuah faction.

Livni herself appeared to be stunned by Gabbay’s announcement, leaving the room and declining to offer a response to reporters following the Labor chairman’s statement.

Later, Livni tweeted a message aimed at supporters, vowing to carry on despite the termination of Zionist Union joint list.

“Thank you to the callers, the SMS senders and the supporters. It is good that the doubts have been dispelled and we can focus on the important national challenge we face, all those who believe in the truth of our path - a revolution [will be coming] in the upcoming elections,” Livni tweeted Tuesday morning.

Gabbay appeared to criticize Livni’s Hatnuah faction during his announcement Tuesday, saying that the partnership between the two parties had failed to “lead to real growth”, suggesting Livni’s party had failed to ‘stand by agreements’.

“I had hoped and believed that the change [in party leadership] and our new partnership would lead to our growth, to a real connection,” said Gabbay.

“But the public is wise, it sees that that isn’t the case, and [the public] moved away. I still believe in cooperation, in making connections, and in making a single big bloc backing change. But the successful alliances require friendship, standing by agreements, and staying faithful till the end. This isn’t what has been happening in this partnership.”