Members of the right-wing organization 'Ad Kan' put fake demolition orders on members belonging to the leftist NGO 'Hamoked'.
HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, which is funded by the New Israel Fund, assists relatives of terrorists to petition against their home being demolished after a family member commits a terror attack.
On the mock demolition order was written that "Your actions to protect Palestinian terrorists and their families, and to prevent the demolition of their homes through the Center for the Defense of the Individual, hurts deterrence, as the courts have ruled".
"The demolition of terrorist houses prevents the next attack. Do not help terror and do not lend a hand to the next murder!"
"Destroy the houses of terrorists and restore deterrence!" concluded the 'demolition order'.
Recently, HaMoked assisted the family of the terrorist who carried out the attack in Barkan, the families of the terrorists who murdered Rabbi Raziel Shevach last year and the murderer of the Henkin family in 2015, appeal to the High Court of Justice against their home being demolished.
As such, Ad Kan has launched a public awareness campaign in an attempt to stop Hamoked from assisting the families of terrorists.
"It is delusional that an organization registered in Israel as an association under the NGO Registrar violates state security and openly protects murderers and their homes," said Ad Kan co-founder Tzachi Dikstien.
"We will continue to act against any organization that will cooperate with the terrorists, and we will expose their activities to the public. "