Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) announced yesterday that they have closed a deal with the army of an unnamed Asian country and have committed to supplying Missile-Intercept systems for the sum of $550 million, Channel 2 reported. The systems are designed and developed by IAI and are intended to provide short range air-defense for armed forces, military instillation and strategic targets against a wide range of airborne threats.
The system is a Command and Control system for an interception system that changes older air-defense weapon systems into precise and effective weapon systems by way of advanced Command and Control capabilities as well as from dissecting data collected from multiple sensors. The Command and Control system supplies precise targeting data to the Interception System and oversees the identification of the threat as well as firing in the most effective manner for that particular type of target.
Before the deal was completed, several tactical tests of the the system were preformed which proved the weapons effectiveness against a variety of targets. The deal was signed within the context of international competition between several leading defense companies across the globe.
Boaz Levi, Assistant Director of IAI and Manager of the Missile and Space Department proclaimed: "We're talking about a special solution developed by IAI according to the tactical needs of the costumer and brings to expression the wide-ranging capabilities of IAI in the area of Interception and Air Defense"