Jewish Home in Ramle Chairman Harel Shoham spoke with Ayala Hasson on Radio 103fm about his party's campaign against intermarriage that sparked internet controversy.
Tomorrow it could be your daughter was the title of the campaign in Ramle. Shoham, who was behind the idea of the campaign, explained: "I'm running for city council, and in the future maybe even mayor. In our campaign we defined a social problem of intermarriage. This is a growing problem not only in Ramle but also in other large cities in Israel. This is a painful phenomenon and we're calling to reduce it.
"After hundreds of cases of assimilation in Ramle, we launched a campaign that says Tomorrow it could be your daughter with a picture of a girl in a hijab," he says, adding that the girl is an actress for the advertisement alone. "According to the organizations that deal with the issue, the city has between 700 and 1,000 cases of intermarriage. It cuts across ethnic communities, sectors, and concerns all types of kippah-wearers. This problem isn't only of the Jewish public but also of the Arab public. The Arab public is also not interested in this mixed marriage.
"It's not just a religious story, it's a national story," he added. "Our party doesn't shun the campaign, but says sharply that it opposes intermarriage. If publicizing the issue in the headlines strengthens awareness and Jewish identity - I've done my part."
When asked why he does not allow people to decide for themselves, he replied, "'Each person should live by his faith,' but I discuss a public problem. We all agree intermarriage is an existential danger to the Jewish People, everyone knows, so we're going to float the subject. By the way, I also received many sympathetic comments from the Arab public in the city, who say that finally someone's getting up and saying something."