US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley spoke on Wednesday night at a Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) conference.
In her speech, Haley reiterated the Trump administration's stance on the number of Palestinian Authority (PA) and Gaza "refugees" receiving aid from UNRWA, and said their "right of return" to Israel is not on the negotiating table.
Haley also said that the US needs to investigate whether the countries receiving US funding are interested in cooperation.
"What we should do is, the countries that we give money to, do they believe what we believe?" she said. "Are they still actually wanting to be our partner and work with us? If they're not and they're shouting, 'Death to America,' why would we give them a single penny? And so you are seeing the efforts of de-funding those things that are not helpful to us and that aren't in the United States' interest."
Regarding the UN bias against Israel, Haley said, "I knew that there was a bias against Israel, but I hadn't really put a lot of thought into it, until I attended the first session. And when I saw literally how abusive all of those countries were being to Israel, in a way that was pathetic - really I had no choice but to get up and say this is completely wrong."
"I came out and said, 'We are not going to condone this anti-Israel bias'."
"We started to make sure that the Israel-bashing sessions, as I call them, that they have once a month, we now try and talk about - they';re supposed to be sessions on the Middle East, not sessions on Israel. And so now we're actually making them talk about other areas in the Middle East.
"Now, frankly, they're scared to say anything negative about Israel because they don't want me to yell at them."