Brig. Gen. (res.) Zvika Fogel, former head of the Southern Command, expressed strong opposition to the cabinet's decision not to launch a large-scale military campaign against Hamas after the terrorist organization launched about 200 rockets at Israel.
In an interview with Radio 103FM, Fogel said: "I have to stop myself from throwing up with shame. As far as I'm concerned, it's a surrender letter, we removed the Star of David and the blue stripes from our flag, we raised a white flag and surrendered ... We can not have the army of a country like ours, Like Hamas. "
When asked how Hamas could be defeated, Fogel claimed that there was no need to conquer all of Gaza in order to achieve a decisive victory. "The IDF and the Shin Bet have excellent intelligence. They know exactly where each of the Hamas commanders sleeps. And what we have to do is have the courage to go in and do it and then leave."
"I do not for putting the Fatah people [back in power], but in my view it is impossible to continue living with this threat. The one who decides the agenda for me is Yahya Sanwar or Ismail Haniyeh."
Fogel added: "We are a sovereign state, and a group that has not yet succeeded in establishing a state of its own is managing our daily routine for our citizens. What interests the prime minister and his ministers is that they continue to sit on the chair for a second term. I tell you - the IDF knows how to do these tasks, it has to get an order and execute them."
"We are starting to be surrounded by cobwebs and we have no desire to continue fighting. And over time we are getting weaker and what Nasrallah said at the time is beginning to materialize. We do not believe in the justice of our path and our strength as a country."