The average wage for Israeli workers in April 2018 was NIS 10,401, according to data released on Thursday by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). The number of employee positions in the economy stands at 3.611 million.
Thirty-four percent of jobs in the economy in April were in economic industries in which the average wage per employee post was higher than the national average wage, while 66% were in industries in which the average wage per employee job was lower than the overall average wage in Israel.
The nominal average wage rose at by an annual rate of 4.9% between February and April 2018, following an annual increase of 4.8% from November 2017 through January 2018.
During the same period, the real average wage rose by an annual rate of 4%, following an annual increase of 3.8% from November 2017 through January 2018.
The financial services and insurance services sectors saw the highest wage increase during this period. The real average wage in these industries rose by an annual rate of 10% from February to April.
In contrast, in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries, the average real wage fell by 2.8% from February through April 2018, compared with a rise of 1.4% from November 2017 through January 2018.