Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
Iranian President Hassan RouhaniFaisal Mahmood, Reuters

Families of Gaza Arabs killed during border riots received $500 each from Iran, Israel's Reshet Bet reported.

According to the report, the money was distributed by Hamas at a Ramadan "break fast" meal held Thursday night in honor of the "martyrs'" families.

Approximately 112 rioters have been killed since the riots began on March 30. Of those, over sixty were killed while protesting the US Embassy's move to Jerusalem on May 14, at least 50 of whom were Hamas terrorists.

Last week, a 22-year-old female medic was killed during the riots. Initial reports claimed she was innocent and unfairly targeted by Israel, but later investigations showed she was at the scene in order to serve as a "human shield" for the terrorists, and had thrown a grenade at IDF soldiers.

Iran, which funds both Hamas and Hezbollah, has not made a secret of the fact that it seeks to destroy Israel.

In fact, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei earlier this week tweeted that Israel is "a malignant cancerous tumor in the West Asian region that has to be removed and eradicated."