A new poll shows that a majority of Israelis approve of United States President Donald Trump's performance in his first year of office.
According to the Gallup poll, 67% of Israelis say they approve of the president. The poll was taken before Trump undertook a series of moves that are popular in Israel, such his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and his threats to defund UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority.
These findings put Israel as one of only four countries which admire Trump more than Obama, joining Liberia, Macedonia, and Belarus. A poll in June found that only Israel and Russia had a higher approval of the United States under the Trump administration than the Obama one.
The report, which surveyed adults in over 134 countries, found that confidence in the United States has been dropping around the world, with a record 43% percent of those polled saying that they disapproved of the United States.
Trump's approval rate is substantially higher in Israel than it was for his predecessor Barack Obama. A long string of polls showed Israelis suspicious and skeptical of Obama, with his approval rate in Israel never rising above 50%. A 2015 Spring Pew Global Attitudes Survey found that more than half of Israelis did not trust Obama, and another poll in 2014 found that fully 71% of Israelis disapproved of his job performance. In addition, 63% of Jewish Israelis ranked Obama as the 'Worst for Israel in The Last 30 Years'.