Donald Trump
Donald TrumpReuters

An overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews believe President Donald Trump’s December 6th declaration affirming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, and announcing the relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem benefitted the Jewish state, while subsequent actions by the United Nations were largely symbolic, with no practical significance.

Last month, President Trump overturned decades of American foreign policy by formally recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, and by announcing that he had ordered the State Department to begin work moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The move, which was criticized by the Arab world and many of America’s European allies, was praised by Israel’s government.

Less than two weeks later, the United Nations Security Council moved to denounce Israel for its control of eastern Jerusalem and the US for its recognition of the city as Israel’s capital. The draft resolution, which secured 14 votes in the 15 vote body, was vetoed by the US delegation to the UN.

Days later, the UN General Assembly passed a similar but non-binding resolution denouncing American recognition of Jerusalem, winning 128 votes out of 193. The US, Israel, and 7 other nations voted against, while 35 abstained and 21 more refused to participate in the vote.

While Islamic terror groups pledged to unleash “days of blood” in revenge for the declaration, Israeli Jews generally approved of the declaration, believing it to be in Israel’s interest.

According to a poll by the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University released Wednesday, 64.8% of Israeli Jews believe Trump’s December 6th declaration benefitted Israel’s real interests, while just 23.2% say Israel’s interests were harmed by the move.

Israeli Arabs, however, disagreed, with 65.2% saying the declaration harmed Israeli interests, while just 28.1% say the announcement helped Israel.

A large majority (59.1%) of Israeli Jews believe the US president understands Israel’s interests, compared to 37.0% who say he understands Israel’s interests to only a small or very small extent.

Both Israeli Jews and Arabs say Israel has little to fear from the United Nations and its recent anti-Israel resolution. Nearly two-thirds of Jews (64.3%) and 56.4% of Arabs say the resolution is “just words”, and has “no practical significance” for the Jewish state. Only 25.8% of Jews and 34.8% of Arabs believe the UN is likely to harm Israel’s interests following the Jerusalem declaration.