Hoenleinצילום: Shlomi Cohen

The President of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, Malcolm Hoenlein, spoke about the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem.

Hoenlein, one of the most senior and influential representatives of the Jewish community in the United States, addressed the launching of the Knesset Lobby for the Protection of the Mount of Olives,

"The President of the United States is going to make a statement about Jerusalem.Look at all the speculation, the whole media thing around it.

Hoenlein wondered alour how the countries critical of the US decision don't question having embassies in Iran and North Korea.Or in Syria and Libya. "But in the state capital of our closest ally in the Middle East, a democratic state, where there are 3,300 years of Jewish history and heritage since King David, why is this a subject that raises so much speculation?"

"When President Trump visited the Western Wall and made a declaration recognizing Jerusalem as holy to the Jews after the denunciation of UNESCO, there was not even one flare-up, not one demonstration, because when you do the right thing, you shouldn't ask questions, just do it."