Rabbi Shmuley Boteach spoke on Tuesday to Arutz Sheva about US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's speeches at the United Nations General Assembly.
Boteach is a popular and outspoken American rabbi, public speaker, and author.
"President Trump's was one of the most forceful delivered at the UN podium," Boteach said. "It focused on good and evil and was morally unambiguous. It stated clearly that Iran, North Korea, Venezuela - these are rogue regimes, terrorist-sponsoring regimes, regimes who brutalize their people."
Trump, Boteach added, said clearly what the nuclear agreement is.
"It's an embarrassment to the United States, who have agreed to pay $150 billion to a terrorist-sponsoring regime, [and] to believe them about not building a nuclear arsenal," Boteach said, emphasizing that it was "an incredible speech."
Regarding whether Trump would cancel the Iran deal, Boteach said, "I don't know. He has to certify it shortly. He did call it an embarrassment. That's kind of a cancellation, but there has to be a formal legal cancellation as well."
Boteach also said Trump's speech is incredibly important to Israel.
"The whole problem with the UN and its relationship with Israel is the UN has no morality. There's no moral standards. It's become a moral farce...because it just focuses on condemning Israel while it overlooks the most egregious human rights violations all over the world," he explained.
"The president is saying that the United States is going to demand that the UN be a moral body. That's what Israel needs... the more the UN stands up for morality and righteousness, the more Israel will be praised, the more Israel will be protected."