The leftist advocacy group J Street slammed Netanyahu and Trump's intention to redo the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with Trump Monday and discussed what Netanyahu called "the terrible nuclear deal with Iran".
In a statement, the group said that they are "deeply worried by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s stated intention to use his meeting today with President Trump to argue that the US should act to undermine or withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear agreement with Iran."
J Street accused both leaders of "valuing aggressive sound bites over real security," and said that Trump and Obama "refuse to accept basic facts about its provisions, goals and successful implementation".
The leftist group has been a prominent supporter of the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, spending $500,000 on the effort, which included taking out full-page ads in major newspapers and running television advertisements urging legislators to support its passage in Congress. J Street's website proudly states that "we aimed to demonstrate to Members of Congress that strong support for the agreement existed among the majority of pro-Israel, pro-peace American Jews along with American and Israeli security experts. "
J Street's statement comes as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and United States President Donald Trump are both expected to talk about Iran during their addresses before the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday morning (New York time).
Trump has been an outspoken opponent of the agreement, calling it "the worst deal ever made", and promised during the campaign to strike it down once elected. On Monday, Trump said that the US will abandon the Iran nuclear deal if the United Nations body enforcing the deal is too lenient with Iranian violations.