More than one hundred expellees from the community of Migron in Binyamin demonstrated this evening against the Likud Party's annual Jewish New Year's "toast" at Ben Gurion Airport and demanded that Prime Minister Netanyahu fulfill his promise to residents of Migron and establish a permanent neighborhood for them.
The residents of Migron have been waiting for five years to build the permanent neighborhood that was promised to them after the evacuation and destruction of their community.
According to the expellees, the government headed by Netanyahu demolished their home in 2012, and the same government must fulfill the promise it made.
Elisheva Razog, one of the expellees, said, "We are arriving tonight at the toast for the Likud party, and specifically at this festive event we mark sad and negative events of five years without a home, on a temporary site.”
"We hope that the prime minister, who said last week that there is no need to destroy but only to build, will keep his promise, because promises must be kept," stressed Razog.