A haredi business owner from Beiter Illit was arrested recently on suspicion of falsely providing tax receipts to customers, for a sum total of 60,000,000 NIS.
The investigation began in the VAT office in the central city of Ramla. Later, Jerusalem's Customs and VAT office joined in.
According to the detention request, Eliezer Shlomo Ludmir, a 31-year-old Beitar Illit resident, owns "G.E. Real Estate."
Ludmir is suspected of using fictitious and forged receipts which claim to be made out by "Moses Einat General Home Repairs," "A.H.M. building and development," and "Modus Building."
All three are actual companies, owned by people other than Ludmir himself. All three of the companies' owners were interrogated, and said the receipts were indeed forged and that they did not do any of the jobs stated in them.
The three also said they had never heard of Ludmir or G.E. Real Estate.
10,000,000 NIS worth of taxes are owed on the 60,000,000 NIS suspected to have been misreported.
Ludmir's arrest was extended on June 6 and is set to expire on Sunday.