The expanded Gaza fishing range which was in place for the month of May will remain for June as well.
Under the extension, the current the fishing range of nine miles (30 square miles) will remain for an additional two weeks, after which the security situation will be re-assessed.
The decision to expand the fishing range to 9 miles (30 square miles) was made after authorities took into account the fishing season, the fishermen's need to support their families, and the need to prevent security issues.
Thousands of Gazans work as fishermen, making the industry Gaza's second-largest. Expanding the fishing range brought Gaza an annual increase of approximately 15% during 2016 when compared to 2015. This increase was represented by an additional one million NIS during 2016.
The extended expansion is subject to the fishermen's respect of the fishing boundaries, security policies, and their refraining from smuggling.