The scene of the stabbing attack
The scene of the stabbing attackMagen David Adom

An Arab terrorist from the city of Shechem (Nablus) in Samaria wounded three Israelis in Jerusalem's Old City on Saturday before, being eliminated by Border Police

The terrorist attacked two 18-year-old Jewish yeshiva students while they were walking on Hagai Street, then fled the scene, with alerted security forces in pursuit. He entered a building with Border Police at his heels, managing to turn back and stab one of them before the officers eliminated him. He was later identified as 17-year-old Ahmed Zahlr Razel.

The injured received emergency care from an MDA rapid response unit and were immediately transported to the Western Wall area. "They were fully conscious and suffering from stab wounds in their limbs and upper torso, one diagnosed as moderately wounded and the other two as lightly injured and were removed to city hospitals within a short time while initial treatment continued," reported Uri Shachar, the paramedic who treated the victims.

After the terror attack, police closed the gates to the Old City. Arabs began throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at police officers near the Nablus Gate, but were dispersed with the aid of tear gas.

On Wednesday, an Arab woman attempted to stab Israeli police officers with scissors. The officers succeeded in thwarting the attack, and quickly neutralized her.