In an interview with Channel 2 news, outgoing U.S. President Obama's deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes rejected Israeli accusations against the administration in connection with the UN Security Council vote against communities in Judea, Samaria, and east Jerusalem.
"We are not endorsing a resolution that seeks to impose a resolution to the conflict," claimed Rhodes, and added that the resolution "deals with obstacles to peace...When we see laws that seek to legalize outposts, when we see rhetoric that suggests that this is the most pro-settlement Israeli government in history, and when we see the facts on the ground, again, deep into the West Bank, beyond the separation barrier, we feel compelled to speak out against those actions."
In response to the interviewer's question whether Israel can expect further U.S. initiatives, the most Rhodes would say was that "Well, I wouldn't describe it as 'new initiatives'". The speech to be delivered by Secretary of State John Kerry will deal with the general American vision for resolution of the conflict, he added.