The Jewish cemetery in Novominsk, Poland was desecrated in recent days by anonymous persons in a flagrant display of anti-Semitism.
According to local authorities, anonymous persons burst into the cemetery, closed most hours of the day, and sprayed swastikas on a number of graves, desecrating the graves.
The activity was discovered by locals who discerned the break-in; they alerted representatives of the local Jewish community.
The Jewish community, in turn, immediately called police, who opened an investigation into the incident.
Between the two World Wars, Novominsk included some 4,000 Jews – close to half of all its citizens. By World War Two, the city contained 5,246 Jews. With onslaught of the Holocaust, however, the Jewish population of the city dwindled to a small ghetto inside the city, and the Jewish population disappeared almost entirely as the War continued.