The Court for Administrative Matters in Be'er Sheva in the south rejected a petition on Friday on behalf of the terrorist Bilal Kayed. Kayed, was recently transferred to the hospital when he weakened from his hunger strike.
The petition asked the court to cancel an order to handcuff Kayed to his hospital bed, and to allow him medical treatment from an outside source. After the court rejected the request, Kayed's lawyer said they will appeal the decision.
Bilal Kayed, 35, a resident of Asira a-Smaliya village north of Shechem, was arrested during the Second Intifada in 2002. He was a member of the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. He was convicted of security crimes, including terror attacks and attempted terror attacks, and was sentenced to 14 and-a-half years in prison.
Last June, Kayed finished serving serving his prison sentence, but has since been held under administrative detention, in accordance with an order from the military court for a six-month detention. He then began his hunger strike.