Facebook (illustration)
Facebook (illustration)Thinkstock

Facebook temporarily banned an Australian gym called IDF Training after the owner responded to an anti-Semitic message.

The Australian news site The Age reports that someone posted an offensive comment on the gym's Facebook page, calling the owner a "pig f----er" and declaring that "Australia is against israel [sic]."

The owner, Avi Yemini, responded by sharing the post, with the added hashtag "#saynotoracism." An anonymous browser soon reported Yemini's post as offensive and Facebook suspended the account for three days.

"I've spoken to Facebook explaining that it was in fact his vile message that was in breach of their terms, and that I couldn't believe that not only are they siding with the racist user, they are penalizing an advocate for understanding and tolerance," he said.

Yemini returned to Australia and opened IDF Training after serving in the IDF's Golani Brigade. He now teaches people martial arts and self-defense based on the IDF's methods. He has also encouraged the gym's members to join the IDF.