Protest display
Protest displayIsraelinUN‏

A new exhibit commissioned by the Israeli Mission to the UN opened on Monday at the UN headquarters in Manhattan.

But the display was not the one originally prepared by the Mission in conjunction with StandWithUS, a pro-Israel non-profit.

On Sunday the UN moved to ban three of the exhibit’s displays, including one on Zionism.

In their place, displays protesting the UN’s censorship were placed front and center in the exhibit. The protest displays pointed out the United Nation’s censorship and singling out of Zionism for the ban.

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon blasted the UN’s decision to prohibit the original displays.

"By disqualifying an exhibition about Zionism the UN is undermining the very existence of the State of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people,” said Danon. "We will not allow the UN to censor the fact that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital."

Hours after the protest exhibit opened, however, the United Nations abruptly reversed course, giving the okay for the original display on Zionism – but not displays on Jerusalem and Israel’s treatment of minority populations.

Danon called the move a step in the right direction, while noting that the UN still refused to acknowledge the Jewish people’s historic connection to Jerusalem.

“This is a step in the right direction, but the UN must reverse its earlier decision entirely and allow the exhibit to be displayed without censoring the truth about Israel and Jerusalem – the eternal capital of the Jewish people."