Three UN bodies, Spain, and the Netherlands support Palestinian NGO that honored a terrorist that murdered 3 Israeli civilians.
The Palestinian NGO Rural Women's Development Society (RWDS) organized a “chain of readers”, a popular way in the PA to commemorate terrorists, for Bahaa Alian who together with another terrorist killed 3 Israeli civilians on a bus in Jerusalem last October.
According to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), the RWDS NGO stated on its website that it "recently received funds from" three UN bodies, two European governments, and two European NGOs, which are all thereby, by proxy, honoring the terrorist.
The UN Development Program (UNDP), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the Spanish government via the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the Dutch government by way of The Netherlands' Representative Office in Ramallah and the Spanish NGO Conemund and the Danish NGO Kvinfo are all listed as funders on the RWDS website.
According to PMW, the other Palestinian NGO organizing events in honor of terrorist Alian is the Union of Palestinian Women Committees which is supported by a British organization, the Welfare Association, which is funded by the British Government’s Department for International Development.
Moreover, PMW has reported that four Palestinian universities have participated in “chains of readers” events glorifying terrorists: Hebron University, Al-Quds University, Birzeit University and An-Najah University.
“It is as if (Bahaa Alian’s) soul is soaring above our heads and saying to us: 'We are a generation that must have a national culture that will (help) us distinguish between right and wrong, a culture that will create a generation that leads rather than one that is being led,” said Nablus District Governor Akram Al-Rajoub in a speech.