Iran and other Muslim countries are known for their “creative” accusations against the United States and Israel, but the latest one is particularly amusing.
An Iranian researcher quoted by PressTV is claiming that imports to Iran of genetically modified products are nothing a “Zionist plot” to infect Iranians with diseases.
Ali Karami, specialist in medical biotechnology and genetic engineering, said he believes an “import mafia” is behind the distribution of such products in the country.
He also claimed to have received death threats after his first interview on the issue with the Tasnim news agency was published a month ago.
“The mafia importing certain genetically modified products even kills for its interests. Be careful,” said Karami, according to PressTV, before adding, “The fact is the lives of people are not important to American and Israeli companies because two sweet businesses are involved.”
“First, the contaminated food causes illness and then the patient needs drugs and medication. This is capitalism where money is the criteria and pharmaceuticals and medicine is a multi-trillion-dollar industry,” he went on to claim.
Karami said the proliferation of genetically modified products is part of a “dangerous plot to control Iran, the Middle East and the Islamic world in general.”
“State officials, stay vigilant. Ministries of Agriculture, Trade, the esteemed Majlis, Judiciary, Executive, Ministry of Health, supervisory bodies, please study this sinister scheme,” he added.
The accusations are reminiscent of other outrageous claims being made against Israel among Arab countries, such as Lebanon’s claim that Israel sent a “spy vulture” or a report in Turkey that Israel had sent a “spy balloon” into the country.