A pro-Hamas video that was uploaded to the Internet earlier this week is dedicated to bomb maker Yahya Ayyash, "The Engineer," who masterminded the first Hamas suicide bombings in the 1990s before being assassinated by Israel by means of an exploding cellphone.

The lyrics of the song, sung before the backdrop of a staged Egged bus bombing, are a prime example of "high" Palestinian culture.  

"Be glad, brother Ayyash, for the Compassionate has blessed you," the Al-Wa'ed Band sings. "You did not let a single bus drive through a neighborhood without having chunks of the bus and body parts go flying."

As translated by Palestinian Media Watch, the song is rife with delicate gems of poetry such as this:

"Oh bearer of good tidings, wrap the explosive belt around your waist. The story of the Intifada will only be told when the roof of a bus goes flying.

"Oh Martyrdom-seeker, make them cry. Make the fire engulf them. Turn them into body parts, roast them, bringing joy to the hearts of the steadfast people.

"Oh martyrdom-seeker, it is our duty to defend our people. You are the voice of honor within us.

"We want the dead to fill the streets, and the blood to intensify the pain. Make the Zionist withdraw from the wrath of my avenging people."