Author and Jewish educator Lori Palatnik, Founding Director of the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project (JWRP), has come to the conclusion that Jews living in the United States need to start packing and move to Israel.
JWRP's flagship project is Momentum, an "eight-day transformational experience in Israel." However, in a video uploaded last week, she seemed to be updating her vision, from one in which US Jews visit Israel, to one in which they relocate there permanently.
She explained that after 9/11, she started reading about "the end of days," and asked "a very great" rabbi – "when do we leave?"
He said that the time to get out was when "they start killing Jews in the street."
Unfortunately, she said – this is precisely what is already happening in France and New York. She said that it is time for Jews to start sending their children to Israel before them, if they are not ready to leave themselves.
JWRP was founded in 2008 by eight women in the Washington DC area with the goal of "chang[ing] the world through Jewish women."
Now partnering with Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, JFRP plans to bring 6,000 women from 20 different countries to the Jewish state in the next two years.