Yinon Magal: I made a mistake, I have sinned

In emotional speech on weekly Torah portion, former MK admits wrongdoing and vows to be better husband in the future.

MK Yinon Magal
MK Yinon MagalMiriam Alster / Flash 90

Several days after resigning from the Knesset amid allegations of sexual harassment, former Jewish Home MK Yinon Magal gave an emotional d'var Torah expressing regret for his actions. 

According to Raz Kiel's report in Matzav Haruach on Thursday, Magal asked the caretaker of his synagogue in Tel Aviv to say a few words on the weekly Torah portion of "Veyeshev" two weeks ago. 

In his d'var Torah, Magal compared his actions to the story of Yosef who was tempted to sin with the wife of Potiphar and the story of Yehuda and Tamar, in which Yehuda gave in to temptation. 

"Yehuda is more flesh and blood, but he did not stand up to the test," Magal was quoted as saying. "But what is nice about Yehuda is that he immediately admitted his mistake, saying 'she is more righteous than me.'"

Connecting the Biblical text to his own personal experience, Magal added: "Also I will say I was wrong. I have sinned. But I choose to walk in the path of King David. I have admitted my sins and intend to do repentance."

Magal also discussed the affect the allegations from various former employees against him had on his family. 

"They did me a great injustice, but I accept it with love and am sure that everything is for the better [this way]. During this time I've discovered, for example, what an incredible wife I have and with God's help I won't hurt her. I believe and hope that even out of this thing, everything will turn out okay."