MK Moti Yogev (Jewish Home) attacked US Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday after the latter lashed out at Israel, arguing that current trends in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are leading to a “one-state” reality.
"With all due respect and gratitude to our friend the United States, the reality has proven that all of John Kerry's assessments and diplomatic actions in various sectors of the world were a series of mistakes and failures: in Egypt, Ukraine, Syria and also in Israel," Yogev blasted.
"His opinions and speeches are disconnected from the Middle Eastern reality," Yogev charged, adding that "the land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel."
"There never was a Palestinian state here and there never will be. Our responsibilities in Judea and Samaria were and continue to be our security and the strengthening of communities throughout Israel, including the fabric of the lives of Arabs living here."
"Part of the answer to terror is the certainty that we returned to Judea and Samaria to strengthen our hold on them forever," he added.
"The views of Kerry, and [Labor leader] Buji Herzog are cut off from the faith of Israel, from the security situation and responsibility," Yogev slammed. "Our presence in Judea and Samaria is to guarantee the security of the state of Israel."
In his speech before the Saban Forum in Washington on Saturday night, Kerry asserted Israel could not remain a Jewish and democratic state within the framework of a "one-state solution."
He also berated the Israeli government and said that despite Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's expression of support for the establishment of a Palestinian state, several Israeli cabinet ministers have declared their opposition to such a move.