The stabbing of a Border Police officer on Friday night in the northern coastal city of Nahariya, as he returned home from duty in Jerusalem, was caught on security cameras in shocking footage.

While the 16-year-old terrorist reportedly claimed he stabbed the officer in "self-defense" after an argument broke out between them, a claim currently under investigation, the footage would seem to blatantly disprove his version of events.

The attacker is clearly seen at the start of the video coming up from behind and stabbing the unsuspecting soldier in the back, as the officer is looking at some sort of paper in his hand - hardly supporting any claims of "self-defense," which are questionable to begin with given the fact that the Arab assailant was carrying a knife while walking through a Jewish city.

After absorbing several repeated stabs, the soldier desperately struggles with the terrorist and a bystander comes by to try and help, before the terrorist breaks free and stabs his victim several more times as the officer tries to escape.

The 37-year-old officer was hospitalized with moderate wounds, after suffering numerous stabs to his upper body.

The terrorist, who fled the scene after the attack, was captured by security forces after a manhunt and taken in for questioning.