Marco Rubio
Marco RubioReuters

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio on Sunday said that Israel's fight against terrorism is the same one being fought by the United States and Europe.

The Florida senator was quoted by The Associated Press (AP) as he spoke in Miami Beach during a rally in support of Israel and against anti-Semitism.

The threat to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv is the same as the threat to Paris, London and U.S. cities, said Rubio, according to AP.

He also warned against "casting out one of our own", meaning Israel, in hopes of appeasing jihadists.

Rubio was joined at the rally by Democratic Senator Bill Nelson and other top Florida lawmakers.

The "Never Again" rally was organized by local major Jewish organizations to bring attention to attacks on Israel and to commemorate the 77th anniversary of Kristallnacht.

Rubio, who announced his presidential candidacy in April, is a supporter of Israel.

In 2013 Rubio visited the Jewish state, where he met Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and then-President Shimon Peres.

He has been a fierce critic of the policies of President Barack Obama, having accused Obama of not supporting Israel enough and saying the president’s foreign policy “treats the ayatollah of Iran with more respect than the prime minister of Israel.”