Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu opened his weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday by calling on world leaders to condemn terror against Israel.
He began by addressing Friday's terror attack in Otniel.
"The reprehensible terrorist who murdered Yaakov Litman and his son Netanel last Friday has been apprehended by the security forces; he belongs to Islamic Jihad," Netanyahu began. "Last night, I spoke with their wife and mother Noa and told her that the entire nation grieves over the awful double disaster that befell her and her children. We will deal with the murderer to the fullest extent of the law and we will continue to fight terrorism to the utmost."
"In Israel, like in France, terrorism is terrorism," Netanyahu continued. On Friday night, Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists gunned down 129 people in a brutal shooting and suicide bomb spree in Paris.
"It is time that the world wakes up and unites to defeat terrorism," he urged. "The time has come for the nations of the world to condemn terrorism against us as much as they condemn terrorism anywhere else in the world."
He added a direct appeal to the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Mahmoud Abbas, to condemn the attacks.
"It is fitting that Abbas, who condemned the attack in France, condemn the brutal terror against innocent civilians in Israel, and fight against the brutal incitement that started it," he fired. Abbas himself has incited against Israel in the days leading up to, and since, the outbreak of terror in late September.
"It is fitting that we remember, we are not guilty of terrorism directed against us, just as the French were not guilty of terrorism directed against them," Netanyahu continued. "With terrorism, the terrorists are to blame - not the 'occupiers,' not the 'settlements', and nothing we do."