Walmart IDF Halloween costume draws Israel-haters
IDF uniform for kids draws comparisons to 'Hitler outfit,' while prosthetic 'Sheikh' nose harks back to anti-Semitic Dickens novel.

Children all over America will dress up for Halloween this Saturday, and now thanks to Walmart they have the option to do so in IDF soldier uniforms - a fact that has haters of Israel in a furor.
The costume, which is sold on the store's website for $27.44, includes a red beret and a toy uzi machine gun - although Uzis have not actually been used by Israeli forces for a long time.
But several users saw fit to draw comparisons between the IDF and the Nazis, with one writing "might as well sell a Hitler outfit for children as well!" and adding that the costume is "utterly insensitive."
On Twitter, anti-Israeli users accused Walmart of "supporting killing and occupation," reports Al Arabiya.
However, retail website Wholesale Halloween Costumes presented the costume proudly, with its description reading: "defend your Jewish heritage proudly by wearing the Israeli Soldier Boy's Costume! The Israeli Defense Forces have a mission to protect the land and the people of Israel from outside threats with low casualties, and to avoid waging war if at all possible.”
Walmart also features an Israeli police officer costume and army uniforms of various US forces, reports BBC.
The massive retail chain has also come in for criticism over its "Sheikh Fagin nose," available on its website for $9.52.
The latex nose enlargement is described as "perfect for an Arab Sheikh," although the name Fagin refers to the Jewish antagonist in Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens was accused of anti-Semitism over Fagin's depiction.
Criticism wasn't limited to the IDF or apparent anti-Semitic noses however; an animal welfare charity criticized a costume based on the famous lion Cecil of Zimbabwe, who was shot by an American dentist.
The costume features the severed head of a lion and a blood-spattered dentist's outfit.