The families of the murderers of Naama and Eitam Henkin were informed on Thursday that their home is to be demolished in the coming days.
The terrorists include: Raeb Ahmad Muhammad Alivi, 37, terror cell leader, who also recruited other terrorists, instructed them to implement attacks and provided them with weapons; Yahya Muhammad Nayif Abdallah Haj Hamed, 24, who arried out the shooting in this attack and other attacks; Samir Zahir Ibrahim Kusa, 33, took part in the three attacks as a driver; Karam Lutfi Fathi Razek, 23, fired during the attack with a pistol but was accidentally shot by another Hamas terrorist during the attack; and Zir Ziad Jamil Amar, 31, who ensured that the roads were clear to carry out the attack.
The terrorists' families have the opportunity to appeal the ruling. However, officials said that they intend to complete the adjudication process as quickly as possible, in order to carry out the measure as soon as they can.
In several instances, residents of homes that were slated for demolition were able to postpone the edict for years.
Security forces destroyed the homes of two terrorists last week, following an emergency Cabinet meeting in which Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu demanded legal leeway to enforce measures against terrorist murderers.
The terrorists included Mohammed Jabis, who drove his tractor into a Jerusalem bus, overturning it and killing a yeshiva student in August 2014.
His home was initially slated to be destroyed in November; the US State Department claimed the move was "counterproductive," and the demolition apparently never materialized.
In addition, the home of Ghassan Abu Jamal, one of the terrorists who massacred Jews in Har Nof in November as they gathered to pray the Shacharit morning service, was demolished.
While the Supreme Court upheld demolition orders against the Jamal home in December 2014, the demolition also never materialized.
On Thursday, security officials announced that the home of the murderer of the Fogel family of Itamar would be demolished within 24 hours.
The terrorist, Hakim Awad, is an 18 year old Arab from the village of Awarta. Awad confessed to murdering Udi (36) and Ruti (35) and their three children, Yoav (11), Elad (4), and baby Hadas (three months), in the March 11, 2011 terror attack.