Over 100 residents of the southeastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Armon Hanatziv protested on Tuesday night, at the site bordering Arnona neighborhood where an Israeli driver was murdered in a rock attack on Sunday during the Rosh Hashanah holiday.
Alexander Levlovitz (64) lost control of his car after Arab terrorists hurled a rock into it, and died in the ensuing crash during the Jewish New Year which ended on Tuesday night.
The residents protested the deteriorating security situation in their neighborhood, which borders several Arab majority neighborhoods and is often frequented by Arab residents passing through - some with nefarious goals.
Over the holiday massive Islamist riots took place on the Temple Mount and Old City in Jerusalem as well, leading Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to call an emergency security meeting on Tuesday night.
Levlovitz was driving with two women, apparently family members, aged 50 and 25 at the time of the attack. After he lost control of the car due to the rock, the vehicle crashed into an electricity pole; Levlovitz was pronounced dead on Monday morning at the hospital.
The terror victim is to be brought for burial on Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Har Hamenuchot cemetery in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul neighborhood.
"The rock that changed my life"
Levlovitz's son, who is currently not in Israel, wrote on Facebook: "one rock that changes my path from New York back to Israel, that changes the path of my life."
"I'm in shock that I'm writing this, but my father was murdered yesterday on the eve of the holiday on his way home by rock throwers in the Arnona neighborhood in Jerusalem. Dad, I love you. May your memory be a blessing," wrote the bereaved son.
President Reuven Rivlin also weighed in on the murderous attack after speaking with Acting Police Commissioner Bentzi Sau on Tuesday evening.
"On the evening of Rosh Hashanah, Alexander Levlovitz – a family man, and a Jerusalemite – was murdered. This bloody incident is further evidence that terror is terror – whether with stones or other weapons – and that we must act firmly and appropriately against terrorism," said Rivlin in a statement.
"At the conclusion of Rosh Hashanah, I spoke with Acting Police Commissioner Sau, and received from him an update on the difficult incidents which occurred over the festival, and on the comprehensive response by the police and security forces."
"I thanked him, and the Jerusalem District Commander, for their hard work - over the festival and ongoing - to restore order to the city’s streets. I send my deep condolences to the bereaved family, may they know no more sorrow," concluded the president.