Israelis' nursery (L), foreigners' nursery.
Israelis' nursery (L), foreigners' nursery.Hila Nekaveh, anonymous

At the start of the new school year, a leader of the struggle for the rights of Jewish residents of socioeconomically challenged southern Tel Aviv has published photos of facilities for Jewish preschoolers, and those made available to children of illegal infiltrators.

"Guess which nursery school is intended for which children," wrote the activist, Sheffi Paz, on Facebook. "Those who guess correctly can go stand in the corner and weep."

The first set of photos was taken by Hila Nekaveh, of Kiryat Shalom, at a nursery school for Jewish 3 to 4-year-olds on Glantz Street.

"The air conditioner leaks,” she told Arutz Sheva. “There is dampness in the walls. The yard is dirty and full of cat poo. They painted over the walls to hide the moisture but it will come out again, a month from now. That is how they received the children at the school.”

The second set of photos was taken at Hamoshia Street in Hatikva neighborhood. There are four identical nursery schools there, all in good condition after renovation. One is for children from the religious Zionist sector and the rest are for foreigners' children – many of whom would definitely fall under the category of what Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump would call “anchor babies,” having been born to illegal infiltrators from Eritrea and Sudan.

The children in the nursery schools are not just those of African infiltrators, explained the woman who took the photos, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution. “They are also for children of Arabs who live in the neighborhood, of Filipinos and Indians.”

In addition, she said, another cluster of six brand new nursery schools and kindergartens has been opened inside Hayarden School in the Hatikva neighborhood – and they are all intended solely for foreign children. “Everything there is completely new and even nicer,” explained the photographer, who lives in the neighborhood, and sends her younger children to the religious-Zionist nursery. “There are new play facilities, a sponge floor, an equipment shed, an acoustic ceiling and a secure room.” The top photo in the set shows one of these new kindergartens, from the outside, with brand new equipment piled in the yard.

Meanwhile, Israeli kindergarten children have nowhere to go to in Hatika neighborhood, she said. “I take my older girl, who is in kindergarten, to a kindergarten six km away because most of the kindergartens in the area have been allotted to foreigners. Nursery school aged children who are not religious have no school either, except 6-7 km away.”

56 million shekels for illegals

The government decided three months ago to transfer 56 million shekels (nearly $14.5 million) in order to build kindergartens and preschools for the children of illegal immigrants. The decision was reached after media uproar over cases in which children of illegal immigrants died in substandard nursery schools.

"Instead of investing in us, in the children of Hatikva neighborhood, the government is investing money in the children of the infiltrators. This is a shocking decision," May Golan, a leader of the struggle against the infiltrator problem, said at the time.

Leading the struggle for the rights of infiltrators are ultra-leftist politicians and NGOs. These well-funded groups have fought tooth and nail through legal, political and media channels, against attempts to expel the infiltrators, and have organized the infiltrators and infused them with a combative spirit. 

The massive presence of illegal immigrants in specific neighborhoods has been accompanied by a rapid rise in brutal crime. Statistics have proven that the infiltrators are not refugees but rather work migrants, despite the protestations of leftist groups.