After three separate terror attacks on Wednesday, Israel's security system fears escalation is imminent, particularly in light of security prisoner Mohammad Allan's widely publicized hunger strike and forthcoming release.
The opposition, meanwhile, continues to attack Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, arguing his government is not doing enough to stem this latest wave of terrorism.
Zionist Union chairman Yitzhak Herzog warned on Wednesday that "the situation is deteriorating...without drastic change, we may find ourselves in the midst of a third Intifada - the harsh consequence of zero initiative and political stagnation."
MK Ksenia Svetlova (Zionist Union) also blamed Netanyahu for political inaction, dismissing claims the Allan case is related to the current security situation.
"We must engage in a discussion of a different kind: how to separate from the Palestinians as soon as possible and put an end to the dangerous situation which several Netanyahu governments have led us to," she argued.
"I hold the current government and its leader responsible for the deterioration of security in the country," Svetlova charged. "Bibi, wake up. Your status quo died long ago. Political inaction is costing us lives."
MKs on the right, however, were quick to point the finger for the upsurge in terror on the High Court's decision to cancel Allan's administrative detention.
"Tonight we had a surrendering to Palestinian blackmail followed by another attempt by the Palestinians to kill Jews," Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan (Jewish Home) wrote on his Facebook page.
According to Ben-Dahan, the attacks prove "the Palestinians are working to build a state clean of Jews. The High Court's decision gave the Palestinians proof you can beat us with terror and hunger strikes."
"The High Court's ruling threatens the security of Israel," Ben-Dahan argued. "Surrendering to a prisoner's blackmail is giving a prize to terror and will only result in the mass hunger strike of more prisoners."
Culture Minister Miri Regev (Likud) also expressed concern that the High Court's ruling would encourage more terror attacks.
"Thousands of terrorists are watching Mohammed Allan. Allan is a suicide bomber willing to die for the freedom of his fellow murderers," Regev asserted. "Allan invented a new suicide method on the altar of Israel's values of justice and humanity."