Jewish Home Chairman Naftali Bennett filed a complaint with the Israel Police on Tuesday, after he was targeted by several commenters on social media and threatened.
But while several MKs rallied behind a similar move by President Reuven Rivlin earlier this week against his own complaints of incitement, one Meretz MK insisted Wednesday that sympathy for the Education Minister is inappropriate.
"Instead of looking deeply inward, Bennett's contact [with the police] demonstrates a record of victimization," MK Tamar Zandberg claimed, adding that in her view, Bennett is "making the real victims scapegoats" and bringing threats to his safety upon himself.
"There has never been anyone with the ability to incite and cry at the same time as Naftali Bennett," she continued. "Jewish Home declares open homophobia and racism and cries at the criticism it receives, as it turns out saying such things have dangerous results."
Zandberg then demonstrated a selection of quotes from her own Facebook page threatening her, including several with curses and insults.
"Naftali Bennett,we have already recognizedthat you do notapologize," she mocked, using Jewish Home's campaign slogan from the previous elections. "If you want toalsobe a leader,probablyfrom your toproleas minister of education,you should knowthat leadershipalso hasa role ineducating restraint,not only being inflammatory."
The inflammatory remarks surfaced on Bennett's Facebook page after the tragic death of Shira Banki, 16, who was fatally injured during the Jerusalem Gay Pride parade stabbing last week. Several posters blamed Bennett directly for the murder.