Hamas has no intentions of slowing down on terrorism, a senior official asserted, despite security crackdowns from both Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the wake of a series of recent attacks in Judea and Samaria.
In an interview with "Palestine" magazine on Wednesday, Mushir al-Masri, a Hamas member of parliament and a senior figure in the terrorist organization, stressed attacks in Judea and Samaria will continue.
According to al-Masri, the struggle against Israel is about to intensify greatly and the current Palestinian generation will be the one to "liberate Palestine."
Al-Masri claimed that Palestinian "organizations of the struggle" are continuing to develop weapons arsenals, which they are prepared to use in confrontations with Israel at any time.
"The issue of prisoners and their future release will remain an issue for Hamas not far behind," he added.
The senior Hamas official also harshly criticized the PA, accusing it of trying to destroy Gaza by inhibiting post-war reconstruction projects, evading salary payments to government officials, and deliberately making personnel changes without coordinating with Hamas.
Al-Masri also claimed that the PA is collaborating with Israeli security in Judea-Samaria, and has arrested 200 Hamas members, who committed "acts of heroic resistance," as a free service for Israel.