The Israel Police's Jerusalem District Commander, Maj. Gen. Moshe “Chico” Edri, and the Commander of Jerusalem's Border Police, Brig. Gen. Yizhar Peled, paid a visit Monday afternoon to the beside of the Border Policewoman who was wounded earlier in the day when a female Arab terrorist stabbed her at the Rachel's Tomb checkpoint.
The two men were briefed on her condition by the Director of the Trauma Unit at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, where she is being treated.
The Border Policewoman is 25 years old. Her condition is described as moderate to serious but stable. The Director of Hadassah Ein Kerem, Prof. Yoram Weiss, said Monday that apparently, there has been no serious damage to her neck, but she will remain under anesthesia and artificial respiration for several hours.
Edri described the attack to the policewoman's parents, and wished their daughter a swift recovery.
"Your daughter behaved courageously and despite her injury, fought the terrorist until she was arrested,” he said.
The terrorist is named Misun Musa, 20, of Bethlehem. She has not been arrested in the past.
At an initial interrogation at the scene of the attack, Musa said that she had meant to murder a soldier, amd that she seized the opportunity to so when it presented itself, at the checkpoint. She had two knives in her possession.