Anti-assimilation organization Lehava has been handing out thousands of sweets to women and girls at nightlife venues throughout Israel in recent days, as part of a campaign to persuade Jewish women not to go out with Arabs.
Each sweet comes with a color postcard that says: “My sister, I am thinking about you, I feel you. You have a pure Jewish soul! Don't get lost, don't go with Mahmoud. He'll start by being sweet and then he'll start to beat... reaching out to help you, Lehava.”
Lehava explained that it does all it can “to reach the girl before she gets to know the non-Jew.”
Bentzi Gopshtain, who heads Lehava, said activists regularly frequent bars and nightlife venues in Jerusalem and countrywide. “We meet hundreds of girls and hear from them about the negative phenomena in these places. Since we started handing out sweets, we have received more positive responses and our message is heardmuch more willingly. I ask parents to note where their girls are going and to talk to them about the dangers.”
Last Thursday alone, said Lehava, 5,000 sweets were handed out in one night.