Former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, a staunch critic of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyhu and other like-minded politicians, may be considering his own career in politics.
"My coolness to politics expired with the previous elections," Diskin told Walla! News in an interview published on Thursday. "I had many offers but I refused them consistently."
Instead, Diskin backed Zionist Union chairman Yitzhak Herzog, asserting that "Netanyahu has failed in almost every major area."
"I admit, I have a paradoxical process," Diskin continued. "On the one hand I really want to make a difference, and I think I have the tools to influence both policy and security-wise. On the other hand I have a great aversion to the political system.
"I am currently examining these two parts of me and must decide what prevails. This is definitely a significant test," he added.
A likely major aspect of Diskin's platform, should he run for office, would be pushing his own form of a two-state solution, which would begin with signing a regional agreement with Arab states in the Middle East.
Diskin, who is known for his strong criticism of Netanyahu, has in the past blasted Netanyahu as weak when it comes to the peace process with the Palestinian Authority.
He also previously portrayed Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Ehud Barak as “messianic” and “unfit to hold the reins of power.”