Arutz Sheva on Monday got a chance to speak with Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, former Director General of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, at the sidelines of the Herzliya Conference.

Kuperwasser, who chaired a panel at the conference, spoke about the unrelenting moves to delegitimize Israel seen in recent years that have unfortunately been met by "baby steps" on the part of Israel, which he says has proven itself to be lacking in confronting the threats.

When asked about whether the state should start boycotting those who boycott Israel - a particularly pertinent issue given French telecoms giant Orange's decision last week to break with Israel - he opined that the state doesn't need to employ the same boycotting technique, but should certainly take concrete steps against the boycotters.

Deconstructing the BDS movement, Kuperwasser explained the effort is comprised of two elements - delegitimizing Israel, and at the same time creating a feeling of guilt among Israelis.

According to Kuperwasser Israel's efforts must first focus on ridding itself of the feelings of guilt its opponents attempt to press on it, by firmly arguing in favor of the state and the steps it has taken.