A new survey of Palestinian attitudes show that the vast majority harbor exceedingly violent feelings against Israeli Jews.
The Palestinian Research Institute poll shows that over two thirds of Palestinians - 68% - support rocket attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilian targets.
When asked how the Palestinian “resistance” movement should be handled, only 30% responded that non-violence was the appropriate way.
The poll results were published Thursday in the Yisrael Hayom newspaper.
Although the Palestinian Authority supports the “two state solution” - the surrender of Judea and Samaria to the PA for the establishment of an Arab state – the feelings of PA residents on the matter are more complicated.
Only 51% of them are in favor of that solution, while 49% said they were opposed. Thirty seven percent said that an armed struggle to “rid the land of the Jews” was the best solution, but that was down from 42% in the last poll, three months ago.
Fifty six percent favor a Hamas-style invasion of Israel via tunnels and rockets from Judea and Samaria, while 58% said they were ready for another intifada, compared to 56% three months ago.
Before Operation Protective Edge in the summer, 41% said that an intifada was necessary.
According to the poll, only 51% of Palestinians believe that Hamas “won” Operation Protective Edge, the summer war Israel waged on the Gaza terror group. Three months ago, 66% agreed with that sentiment.
Overall, sixty two percent said they were “dissatisfied” with the results of the war.